Apples: all you need to know about apples juice

4 min readJan 28, 2021


The apple is one of the most widespread fruit trees in the world, thanks to its excellent taste, a wide variety of fruits, and its rich nutrients, especially vitamins.

The origin of the apple, from ancient times, is from the regions of the South Caucasus, and from there, its cultivation spread to the rest of the world. |

The characteristic of the apple is the wide variety of shapes and colors, there are green apples, red apples, pink apples, large, small for table consumption, but also for the compote.

Cultivation requirements in soil and climate


The apple tree grows mainly in cold and humid climates. The range of temperatures in which it thrives is below 24 degrees Celsius, which is why we will often find apple trees even in mountainous areas.


The apple tree is a fruit tree with a special sensitivity to soil moisture and for this the subsoil of the cultivated area should have good drainage.

For best results and higher yields, the soil in which the apple will be grown should be sandy-clay, the soil pH should be between 6.2–6.8.


The cultivation of the apple tree is very demanding in terms of soil moisture and needs special attention during the summer months.

Especially for organic apple growing, as in any other organic crop, the following very basic principles apply

Principle of health:

Organic farming should ensure, maintain and promote soil, plant, animal and human health without exception. The basic meaning in this is that through a healthy soil and cultivation, the health of the whole society is ensured.

The role of organic agriculture, whether in farming, processing, distribution, or consumption, is to sustain and enhance the health of ecosystems and organisms from the smallest in the soil to human beings. In particular, organic agriculture is intended to produce high quality, nutritious food that contributes to preventive health care and well-being. In view of this it should avoid the use of fertilizers, pesticides, animal drugs and food additives that may have adverse health effects.

Principle of ecology:

Organic farming must be based on living ecosystems, and interact with the environment in the best possible way ensuring the overall well-being of humans, animals and the planet.

This principle is based on the minimization of inputs in the production part through the recycling of nutrients in the soil by methods such as composting.

Principle of fairness:

Organic Agriculture should build on relationships that ensure fairness with regard to the common environment and life opportunities.

Fairness is characterized by equity, respect, justice and stewardship of the shared world, both among people and in their relations to other living beings.

This principle emphasizes that those involved in organic agriculture should conduct human relationships in a manner that ensures fairness at all levels and to all parties — farmers, workers, processors, distributors, traders and consumers. Organic agriculture should provide everyone involved with a good quality of life, and contribute to food sovereignty and reduction of poverty. It aims to produce a sufficient supply of good quality food and other products.

This principle insists that animals should be provided with the conditions and opportunities of life that accord with their physiology, natural behavior and well-being.

Natural and environmental resources that are used for production and consumption should be managed in a way that is socially and ecologically just and should be held in trust for future generations. Fairness requires systems of production, distribution and trade that are open and equitable and account for real environmental and social costs.

Principle of care:

Organic Agriculture should be managed in a precautionary and responsible manner to protect the health and well-being of current and future generations and the environment.

Organic agriculture is a living and dynamic system that responds to internal and external demands and conditions. Practitioners of organic agriculture can enhance efficiency and increase productivity, but this should not be at the risk of jeopardizing health and well-being. Consequently, new technologies need to be assessed and existing methods reviewed. Given the incomplete understanding of ecosystems and agriculture, care must be taken.

This principle states that precaution and responsibility are the key concerns in management, development and technology choices in organic agriculture. Science is necessary to ensure that organic agriculture is healthy, safe and ecologically sound. However, scientific knowledge alone is not sufficient. Practical experience, accumulated wisdom and traditional and indigenous knowledge offer valid solutions, tested by time. Organic agriculture should prevent significant risks by adopting appropriate technologies and rejecting unpredictable ones, such as genetic engineering. Decisions should reflect the values and needs of all who might be affected, through transparent and participatory processes.

Apples are a real natural treasure for many reasons but except from the benefits it has as fruit apple is very widely use in food because you can make delicious sweets, cakes, tarts, foods, marmalades, snacks and many other fantastic dishes to enjoy with friends and family.

Furthermore we have to say that apple is a fruit full of vitamins, which give to your organism all the power and energy he needs to start a wonderful day, and what’s better than a glass of organic apple juice in the morning?

Do you want to learn more about the benefits of organic apple juices and the delicious foods and sweets you can create?

Click here.




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